Registration of Invitations

Lion's Mark Law Company provides the services of registration of invitations.

Citizens or organizations who want to invite a forreig citizen, shall submit to The State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMSU) the set of documents in order to register an invitation. Registration of invitation entitles the recipient to get a visa in the Embassy of Ukraine in his country.

Documents required for registration of invitations (on behalf of the legal entity):

  1. An application (a letter from the company of a standard form).
  2. A copy of the passport of a foreign citizen, who is being invited to Ukraine.
  3. Notarized translation of the foreigner’s passport into Ukrainian.
  4. The certificate of state registration of legal entity and its Articles (certified by company).
  5. A copy of the company’s registration card in SMSU.
  6. A copy of the passport of the authorized manager or the person who signed the invitation.
  7. A copy of the order of appointment of the staff responsible for the receipt and processing of documents for foreigners.
  8. A proof of the foreigner's residence (lease contract or proof of hotel booking or a statement certified by the apartment owner in the housing department);
  9. A copy of liability insurance policy of persons who invite foreign citizens.
  10. Receipts confirming the payment for the services of SMSU and the state fee.
  11. Power of Attorney.

Documents required for registration of invitations (on behalf of the individuals):

  1. An application.
  2. A copy of the applicant's passport.
  3. A copy of the passport of a foreign citizen, who is being invited to Ukraine.
  4. Notarized translation of the foreigner’s passport into Ukrainian.
  5. Receipts confirming the payment for the services of SMSU and the state fee.
  6. Power of Attorney.

Depending on the purpose, there are different types of invitations:

  • Travel invitation can be issued for up to 30 days of stay in Ukraine.
  • Official invitation is issued for up to 90 or 180 days of stay in Ukraine.

The service of registration of invitations includes:

  1. Legal advice on the order of registration.
  2. Preparation and submission of necessary documents;
  3. Payment of SMSU services and state fees;
  4. Obtaining the registered invitation;

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