License for Wholesale Trade in Alcohol & Tobacco

Lion's Mark Law Company provides the services of obtaining the License for Wholesale Trade in Alcohol & Tobacco.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco goods" of 12/19/1995 No.481/95-VR, the wholesale trade in alcohol and tobacco is a subject to compulsory licensing.

State fees for wholesale trade in:

  • Alcohol: UAH 500,000 per year
  • Tobacco goods: UAH 500,000 per year
  • Cider and pear cider (without alcohol): UAH 780 per year

For obtaining the License for wholesale trade in alcohol and tobacco, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  1. Standard application form;
  2. Extract from USR;
  3. Certificate from the State Statistics Service; - (notarized copy)
  4. Title / Lease contract for the storehouses; - (notarized copy)
  5. Receipt confirming the payment of state fee;
  6. Certificate from the district department of the State Treasury confirming that the relevant state fee amount has been credited to its account;
  7. 4-OPP certificate from the State Tax Service; (copy)
  8. Certificate from the State Tax Service regarding the registered storehouses of alcohol, bulk quantities of alcoholic beverages and tobacco  goods;
  9. Passport details of the applicant (for individual entrepreneurs) or of the head (for legal entities);
  10. Bank details;
  11. VAT-payer Certificate number, Tax ID code;
  12. Power of Attorney to act on your behalf.

Services of obtaining the License for wholesale trade in alcohol and tobacco include:

  • competent consultation on the lisensing procedure;
  • representing your interests before the licensing authorities;
  • dafting the documents required for issuance of license;
  • submission of documents to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine;
  • obtaining the license.

Additional services:

  • obtaining the Certificate from the State Tax Service regarding the registered storehouses of alcohol, bulk quantities of alcoholic beverages and tobacco  goods;

After completeion of the license obtaining procedure You will get:

  • A state-recognized License;

Price and Lead Time