Legal services in the field of obtaining the licenses and permits required for some types of business activities

Lion's Mark Law Company provides legal assistance in obtaining the licenses for various economic activities for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Providing these services involves drawing up and submission of documents to the licensing authority to obtain a license valid throughout Ukraine.

The lawyers of Lion's Mark will provide You with all the necessary information and form a complete set of documents in full accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On licensing the certain types of economic activity" and licensing conditions, approved by the competent authorities.

License is a state-recognized document, which confirms the licensee's right to perform business activities specified therein for a certain period of time subject to observing the licensing requirements. Having received such a document, You become a licensee and must strictly adhere to the organizational, qualification and other special requirements stipulated in the licensing conditions for specific types of business.

One of the core directions of the Lion's Mark Law Company's activities is assistance in obtaining the different types of permits.

Lion's Mark Law Company offers its expert assistance in obtaining the licenses and permits for a wide range of business activities.

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